excessive drinking after antibiotics - 2 week old Indian runner ducklings

It's not necessary to feed mealworms it is some extra protein which is good during molt but many of us feed them as treats daily. {spoiled critters} But it sounds like yours are spoiled too. Just make sure the most important food they get is their feed since it has all the nutrients they need to grow. My Flock are not crazy about peas either they do love watermelon though.
Lay off the probiotics for about 2-3 days and see if the poop changes? sometimes we have to do some eliminating to find what might be causing an issue.
It's not necessary to feed mealworms it is some extra protein which is good during molt but many of us feed them as treats daily. {spoiled critters} But it sounds like yours are spoiled too. Just make sure the most important food they get is their feed since it has all the nutrients they need to grow. My Flock are not crazy about peas either they do love watermelon though.
Lay off the probiotics for about 2-3 days and see if the poop changes? sometimes we have to do some eliminating to find what might be causing an issue.
Oh no, are my babies spoiled ? :D I'm just trying to make sure they know I'm the source of good stuff so they run to me. So far it's working. Whenever I sit down in the garden they all come and sit next to me or on my feet and nap. It's ridiculously adorable. Anyway. I stopped the probiotics and the poops improved somewhat. What I noticed is that some duckies have brown runny poops early in the morning, right after I let them out of the brooder before I give them breakfast. Not so much later in the day. So maybe it has something to do with the stress or excitement of me coming in and letting them out ? Is that possible ?
Hello friends,
I have some updates and some questions. The wobbles in two of the wobblers are gone, one last one keeps wobbling but can walk much further and stand much longer. Today is the 14th day of giving him 1 ml of B complex every day, he is 2 days shy of being 5 weeks old. I should probably just keep giving him the B complex and be patient, right ? I read it takes time for older duckies to be completely free of symptoms. It's just that the other two are doing great so this guy worries me even though he is improving.
Also, another guy, not a wobbler is sitting down more and started to have this heavy walk. Could that be niacin deficiency too ? Should I start him on 1ml daily as well ? see what happens ?
Some pictures of the duckies, because they are soooo big now, how are they this big already :O


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They are adorable ❤️ and they do grow too fast for their own good. lol

Yes keep up with the B complex it is great your seeing improvement. Hopefully in the next few weeks he'll be completely over this. What their body doesn't need they will pee out.
As for the brown running poop in the mornings are they eating overnight. Poultry have so many different poops depending on what they have eaten including what they may find outside, it's easy to worry when we see something different, I am not sure what would cause this but if they are eating drinking and acting normal other wise energy etc. I wouldn't be too concerned.
If it keeps up to the point your concerned you could always take some poop to the vet and let them check for parasites. Rarely do waterfowl get them unless kept in horrid conditions.
Enjoy those ducklings!
Hello friends ! Good news and a question:
We are officially wobble freeeee !🥳 🍾 And it only took 5 Weeks 😩
It probably would have been sooner but I miscalculated the dose of the supplement.
(The durvet one you all recommended has 100mg/ 1ml, the one available in my country only had 10mg/ml. This was enough for the two duckies who were without symptoms after about 10 days of treatment. Vigo was improving but very slowly so I rechecked the doses and discovered my mistake. I switched to human B3 and gave him 100mg a day. With this dose it took 3 weeks for Vigo to be wobble free. He is now 8 weeks old.)
I have one more question: Vigo is doing well, but he is skinnier than other ducks his size. Not by much, he's not emaciated or anything, but he lacks this curve in his waist that everyone else has, he's more block shaped. Is such body shape variation normal ? Everyone else seem more buff than him, even the petit ducks are rounder. I'm not sure if you can tell from the pictures.
Anyways, should I be worried ? Does it have anything to do with the niacin deficiency ?


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He looks good to me both my Runner drakes are tall and slim. If he has a good appetite and poop looks normal He is just a typical Runner drake body type. Beautiful ducks. Great to hear he is doing well now.
Thank you Miss Lydia <3 He's doing very well, thank you so much for your help. 💛 I'm not sure he's a drake, but I have a hunch. But l'll keep calling him Vigo even if it's a girl. :D
I'm so glad I found this place. Keeping ducks is hard, so much can go wrong. But I guess that can be true for anything. And it's definitely worth it. I mean look at him, he's adorable.


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He really is adorable. Both my Runner drakes are tall and slim where the girls have little tummies they have none. I sit and watch and most of the time they stand and watch their girls eat and then after they eat but they sure don't eat like the girls do. The girls pack it in. lol
Your ducks are gorgeous and I love that pond.

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