Experiment on Hatching Rates School Project :) Need Help With Finding People to give chicks to!


Feb 10, 2025
Pewaukee WI
Hi! I am an experienced chicken hatching high schooler! I used to run a chicken business with my mum when we lived in Canada, now in the US Wisconsin. I wanted to run an ethical experiment/study on hatch rates of different incubating and egg conditions like egg weight and dry hatching vs. humidity hatching. I was wondering if anybody from Wisconsin near me of course would want to maybe provide eggs, 2 incubators and a simple brooder so I could hatch the eggs and return all the supplies and chicks to you! It would be your choice of breed but I would need them all to be the same breed of chicken. I am very excited to have chickens in my life again even if it is for school lol. If you are interested message me or answer on this forum!
Hi, welcome to the forum! Glad you joined!

Is this for a school project or just something you want to do? That might make a difference in getting help. You will need to explain yourself to whoever you talk to and it might give us a clue as to what to suggest.

My first suggestion is to call your county extension office. They are often involved with 4-H clubs at schools, county fairs that have chicken shows, and people raising chickens or hatching eggs for a living. Some agents and offices are better than others but you have a potential gold mine right there.

Go to local feed stores and chat with the people. They might know somebody that can help you or maybe you can post a notice on a bulletin board.

Post in the Wisconsin state thread in the "Where am I! Where are you!" section of this forum and chat with your neighbors. That is a great suggestion.

Is there a local chicken show possibly tied into the county fair? Find out who manages that and chat with them.

Good luck!
Hi! I am an experienced chicken hatching high schooler! I used to run a chicken business with my mum when we lived in Canada, now in the US Wisconsin. I wanted to run an ethical experiment/study on hatch rates of different incubating and egg conditions like egg weight and dry hatching vs. humidity hatching. I was wondering if anybody from Wisconsin near me of course would want to maybe provide eggs, 2 incubators and a simple brooder so I could hatch the eggs and return all the supplies and chicks to you! It would be your choice of breed but I would need them all to be the same breed of chicken. I am very excited to have chickens in my life again even if it is for school lol. If you are interested message me or answer on this forum!
Hi, welcome to the forum! Glad you joined!

Is this for a school project or just something you want to do? That might make a difference in getting help. You will need to explain yourself to whoever you talk to and it might give us a clue as to what to suggest.

My first suggestion is to call your county extension office. They are often involved with 4-H clubs at schools, county fairs that have chicken shows, and people raising chickens or hatching eggs for a living. Some agents and offices are better than others but you have a potential gold mine right there.

Go to local feed stores and chat with the people. They might know somebody that can help you or maybe you can post a notice on a bulletin board.

Post in the Wisconsin state thread in the "Where am I! Where are you!" section of this forum and chat with your neighbors. That is a great suggestion.

Is there a local chicken show possibly tied into the county fair? Find out who manages that and chat with them.

Good luck!
I have nothing to add. Just want to mention how much I appreciate this site. I have never walked away without an answer or advice where to get answers. I find myself recommending BYC a lot.

If you have a high-school with an FFA program, they should have info and maybe even some equipment.

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