In the Brooder
- Sep 28, 2023
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New chicken momma here. Purchased 4 birds from same farm in August. One had respiratory issues initially, then cleared up with VetRx.
Baby girl’s right eye was shut when I was holding her at the beginning but I thought it was because she felt safe and comfy. About two to three weeks ago noticed she was walking around with it closed and started monitoring and googling. I have been inconsistent with tettramycin ointment for the past two weeks (life. Sorry). Also used Vetricyn spray inconsistently. Have fed oregano as well as other immune boosting herbs.
This morning I went out and panicked because both eyes were closed and she was gaping and refusing to move. Came inside and googled like a maniac. Decided best guess was respiratory with conjunctivitis.
When I went outside with all the meds, she was out roaming around with the other girls with both eyes open. I told her that she was getting medicated anyway for scaring me and being a faker! Lol.
Started tiaguard this am. Added 1 tsp to a quart of water. Syringe fed her some of it and flushed some through her nostrils. Giving the whole flock this water as only water source. I also sprayed her eyes and beak with colloidal silver and vetricyn. Vetrx on her nostrils.
Note - I did find lice or mites (I think lice) on her vent a few weeks ago. Treated with pen & poultry spray and Spinosad. Eyes were acting weird prior so don’t believe it’s related. She’s on probiotics and I just added poultry cell to their fermented feed the past three days.
Baby Girl is an Ameraucana (according to the farm she was a purchased egg they hatched from a hatchery). She is 14 weeks old and has been with me since she was 6 or 7 weeks. I don’t have any similar age birds to compare her against but she’s been eating well and growing. Her poop is normal. She prefers to sleep in the nesting box during the day so I know it’s hers
. One of my other girls was sneezing yesterday. (Not for nothing my allergies are a wreck right now so could be air quality related), but no other eye infections. Their coop is a coop/run combo that is very open because we are in Florida and it’s hot so it increases air flow. They have 8 ft x 6 ft of run/coop combo and a 6 ft by 2 ft mini run I made them last month. All hardware cloth. I had Klean Coop straw with pdz in there but took it all out with the lice scare. Now it’s largely just the ground which is basically sand and some hemp bedding as well as some straw I had put down but then changed my mind so it doesn’t cover the floor. Also use barn lime and DE in There. I toss zeolite on their droppings when they land solid parts of the coop and turn them into the bedding directly under their roosts regularly. They have plenty of area that does not have poop mixed in also. I think that covers all the required info. Pics attached. The right eye was the original one. Left was shut this am when I went out but open when I went out a second time.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide. I don’t plan to take her to a vet unless absolutely necessary. I prefer to medicate naturally if possible and not inclined to spend a ton of money on chicken vet bills. That said, she’s my clear favorite and I love her most so I want her to be healthy and happy.
Baby girl’s right eye was shut when I was holding her at the beginning but I thought it was because she felt safe and comfy. About two to three weeks ago noticed she was walking around with it closed and started monitoring and googling. I have been inconsistent with tettramycin ointment for the past two weeks (life. Sorry). Also used Vetricyn spray inconsistently. Have fed oregano as well as other immune boosting herbs.
This morning I went out and panicked because both eyes were closed and she was gaping and refusing to move. Came inside and googled like a maniac. Decided best guess was respiratory with conjunctivitis.
When I went outside with all the meds, she was out roaming around with the other girls with both eyes open. I told her that she was getting medicated anyway for scaring me and being a faker! Lol.
Started tiaguard this am. Added 1 tsp to a quart of water. Syringe fed her some of it and flushed some through her nostrils. Giving the whole flock this water as only water source. I also sprayed her eyes and beak with colloidal silver and vetricyn. Vetrx on her nostrils.
Note - I did find lice or mites (I think lice) on her vent a few weeks ago. Treated with pen & poultry spray and Spinosad. Eyes were acting weird prior so don’t believe it’s related. She’s on probiotics and I just added poultry cell to their fermented feed the past three days.
Baby Girl is an Ameraucana (according to the farm she was a purchased egg they hatched from a hatchery). She is 14 weeks old and has been with me since she was 6 or 7 weeks. I don’t have any similar age birds to compare her against but she’s been eating well and growing. Her poop is normal. She prefers to sleep in the nesting box during the day so I know it’s hers

Thanks for any assistance you can provide. I don’t plan to take her to a vet unless absolutely necessary. I prefer to medicate naturally if possible and not inclined to spend a ton of money on chicken vet bills. That said, she’s my clear favorite and I love her most so I want her to be healthy and happy.
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