Eye Laceration Pain Relief?


Jun 28, 2020
Last night due to some bullying, my girl Chilli got her cornea scratched. I brought her in and rinsed the eye with vetrycin and gave her some antibiotic eye drops that apparently work for chickens as well as humans. The eye is less bloody today but I can tell it hurts like hell. She’s the most like a pet to me so it’s hard to see her in pain. Can’t get ahold of the vet yet so I was wondering if anybody knew if there was any pain relief I could give her. Is baby aspirin enough? Probably better than nothing
I hope that you were able to see a vet. A corneal abrasion which could cause infection and blindness, would be treated with an antibiotic drop with dexamethasone, a cortisone type drug. Only a vet would have that. Some might have some leftover from a dog or cat. If all you can get is Neosporin Triple Antibiotic Ointment that can be used 3 times a day, but it doesn’t have the steroid. Aspirin might help for pain for a few days, but a vet could prescribe Meloxicam for pain and inflammation.
I hope that you were able to see a vet. A corneal abrasion which could cause infection and blindness, would be treated with an antibiotic drop with dexamethasone, a cortisone type drug. Only a vet would have that. Some might have some leftover from a dog or cat. If all you can get is Neosporin Triple Antibiotic Ointment that can be used 3 times a day, but it doesn’t have the steroid. Aspirin might help for pain for a few days, but a vet could prescribe Meloxicam for pain and inflammation.
Thanks so much to both of you for checking in! I was able to find a vet who could see Chilli and she seemed very knowledgeable. She said Chilli is most likely blind in that eye but the blood inside the eyeball made it hard to tell. Prescribed Meloxicam for pain and a Neomycin triple antibiotic ointment for the eye. Chilli’s doing great all things considered! She’s still laying eggs which I guess I can’t eat for a minute. She mostly just seems bored of being in the house/wants to play with her friends Left Eye and Megan and hates the feeling of the ointment in her eye. She is opening her eye most of the time so I’ll see if I can get a photo. Here she is perched on my father’s lap (glad she’s feeling well enough to still jump into our laps!)
So glad that your vet helped her. Sorry that she may be permanently blind, but I have had a hen blinded in one eye who lived normally. They still can see light and dark out of the blind eye usually. Mine got along in her familiar environment.
Here’s the eye. The ointment seems to be helping and there hasn’t been any swelling. The framing isn’t great because she’s constantly bobbing her head

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