

Oct 28, 2024
Hebron Maryland
We have Turkey vultures, an occasional bald eagle, and a persistent falcon visit the property. Our chickens are in an enclosed coop/run and are supervised while out free ranging, nevertheless this falcon continues to hang around and has made a couple of passes at the flock. Any advice on dealing with it because it apparently would be a national disaster to dispatch it to falcon heaven.
You might google to see if that kind of falcon is migratory. If it is, keep your chickens confined until it moves on. If it is a resident, maybe you could install a net over your chicken run to keep them safe. Good luck!
You might google to see if that kind of falcon is migratory. If it is, keep your chickens confined until it moves on. If it is a resident, maybe you could install a net over your chicken run to keep them safe. Good luck!
Over the years we would see this/a hawk from time to time (we didn’t have chickens until recently). Anyway, as stated in the beginning we do not let them free range without one of us being outside to supervise. We have no idea as to whether this is the same hawk from years past or not but either way the advent of chickens has it hanging around a bit more. The coop and run are enclosed so the hawk can’t get them there but it will do a periodic fly by of sorts when we’re out with the chickens. It doesn’t get close but it does let us know it’s around.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but you need to know that your presence supervising will not necessarily protect your chickens. I was standing right there with mine when a red-tailed hawk swooped down and snatched up a chick from right beside its mama, not 15 feet from where I was standing. This happened at least twice. My hens had hatched 8 chicks but only 3 made it to adulthood. I have also lost one or two adults, including a rooster, to hawks - but not when I was with them. Free ranging is definitely risky.
I'd get a good rooster if possible. I live close to a national park, and I see falcons hunting other birds every day. We have peregrine falcons and they are awesome. Last year one of them dive bombed a few inches from my face, trying to get a swallow.
I have a mean rooster who would eat a falcon alive, and my hens never had an attack. They free range all day unsupervised, not even crows or magpies can land on my property without the rooster chasing them.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but you need to know that your presence supervising will not necessarily protect your chickens. I was standing right there with mine when a red-tailed hawk swooped down and snatched up a chick from right beside its mama, not 15 feet from where I was standing. This happened at least twice. My hens had hatched 8 chicks but only 3 made it to adulthood. I have also lost one or two adults, including a rooster, to hawks - but not when I was with them. Free ranging is definitely
I'd get a good rooster if possible. I live close to a national park, and I see falcons hunting other birds every day. We have peregrine falcons and they are awesome. Last year one of them dive bombed a few inches from my face, trying to get a swallow.
I have a mean rooster who would eat a falcon alive, and my hens never had an attack. They free range all day unsupervised, not even crows or magpies can land on my property without the rooster chasing them.
Actually have two roosters. They do throw up the alert when needed. I don’t think the hawk or falcon ever got close enough,yet, to have an actual fight take place.
Actually have two roosters. They do throw up the alert when needed. I don’t think the hawk or falcon ever got close enough,yet, to have an actual fight take place.
Sounds like you got it covered between you and the roosters. Other than a Great Pyrenees or keeping them confined, that's pretty much it with wildlife you can't shoot.
I've had a merlin falcon hanging around. See pic below. Well, actually they're always around along with several species of hawks but I got lucky enough today to get a picture of it eating the blue jay (i think) it caught. I only do supervised walks and there is a lot of cover with brush and bushes etc, so far I've been lucky. I think the biggest deterrent is all the crows we have around. They go after them and make so much noise whenever a bird of prey is around that they never get a chance at my flock. They sure are pretty birds despite the threat.
Merlin Falcon eating Blue Jay Feb 27 2025.JPG

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