Family orientated roosters


17 Years
Nov 27, 2007
Dover TN
What breeds of roosters tend to help protect and take care of chicks? I would be particularly interested in bantam breeds that do this since I love bantams. I've had few over the last few years, most wanting to chase or harm them.. I had Showgirls that were great many years ago.
Appreciate any thoughts of those with experience. TY
Not sure that trait, or many others, could be attributed to breed.
Most behaviors are just a particular individual and maybe environment.
My Phoenix male's are always at the very least, friendly towards chicks. My oldest male routinely 'adopts'chicks that get stuck in his pen and takes them into the coop at night to nest under him when they're too young to be alone
The best roosters are raised from a chick on up by older hens. Otherwise they are the equivalent of little boys that grow up not being taught manners. The roosters I have had that were not raised by older hens regardless of breed most were terrors. I have yet to have a bad rooster that was raised by older hens.

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