Fare thee well!

I cannot imagine free ranging in a neighborhood with no fences and dogs running loose. Stuff like this will happen in those circumstances.

Depending on your state and county, the owner of that dog is liable for replacement cost of your birds.

Free ranging is really a matter of location, location, location. MUCH safer out on rural acreage. And even then, sometimes -- dogs just dog.
LI'm sorry for your loss and hope the neglectful dog owner in your situation is held responsible! That's the only way they learn!
If yes, consider talking to the owner, maybe. I'd report this to animal control with a description of the dog involved also. This dog will return,
I spoke to my neighbor directly after it happened and he made things right and is taking care off the issue with the dog. He paid to replace our chickens.
I cannot imagine free ranging in a neighborhood with no fences and dogs running loose. Stuff like this will happen in those circumstances.

Depending on your state and county, the owner of that dog is liable for replacement cost of your birds.

Free ranging is really a matter of location, location, location. MUCH safer out on rural acreage. And even then, sometimes -- dogs just dog.
We live in a very rural area and my neighbors dog had gotten loose it was not my neighbors fault it was simply a matter of predators and prey.
So glad your neighbor is doing the right thing! Animals do get loose, even with best management, and you have a good neighbor!
Rural isn't safer, I agree. We too live in the 'boonies', and bad stuff happens sometimes.
Like I said, dogs sometimes just dog.

Dogs aren't exactly natural environmental predators, either. They're domesticated pets. An anomaly (and generally, a danger) in all sense of the word with regard to keeping chickens.
I spoke to my neighbor directly after it happened and he made things right and is taking care off the issue with the dog. He paid to replace our chickens.

We live in a very rural area and my neighbors dog had gotten loose it was not my neighbors fault it was simply a matter of predators and prey.
I'm glad your neighbor was decent about it.

Years ago I had a client with a hard to control Pitty.
It went after and killed a neighbors chickens twice.
The third time it crossed the rainbow bridge. My client totally understood and also paid for new chickens.

It's a tough situation. :(

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