Favorite chickens breeds

Apr 26, 2024
Hey Everyone! For the future I want to know what chicken breeds are the best character wise and egg laying production wise. Also just for fun; share a picture of your favorite chicken that you own and the name and breed. My favorite breeds are Sliver Laced Wyndottes and Saphire Gems. 🤭
Red Stars(Red sex links), Orpingtons, Australorps, Ameraucanas, Sapphire Gems, Calico Princesses.
I can’t choose 1 but these are some of my favorites.
Hei Hei (Polish)

Wendy (Calico Princess)

Willow (Calico Princess)

Gemma (Sapphire Gem)

Ruthie (Ameraucana)
Easter eggers (this includes any subtypes such as lakeside eggers which I also own). They're what I wanted getting into chickens and I love them now that I own some. Just fabulous all around birds. No, I wouldn't raise them for meat, but that's not why I got chickens anyways, but they are good layers and very personable and friendly. I also think they're simply the cutest chickens. My buff orpington Juniper is also wonderful, very sassy and sweet. She's my only buff, but she's making a good impression. In the future I'd like to own some true ameraucanas and a maran or 2 but I will always have at least a few easter eggers in my flock
Easter eggers (this includes any subtypes such as lakeside eggers which I also own). They're what I wanted getting into chickens and I love them now that I own some. Just fabulous all around birds. No, I wouldn't raise them for meat, but that's not why I got chickens anyways, but they are good layers and very personable and friendly. I also think they're simply the cutest chickens. My buff orpington Juniper is also wonderful, very sassy and sweet. She's my only buff, but she's making a good impression. In the future I'd like to own some true ameraucanas and a maran or 2 but I will always have at least a few easter eggers in my flock
Definitely get more Buff Orpingtons. They are the best!
Ameraucanas are great too!
I’d have to say Easter Eggers as well! Every single one of them are different and they have all been great birds, getting along with others, very friendly and how can anyone not fall in love with those muffs and beards.
I have a few different breeds, but my Isa Brown's (red sex links) and my Leghorn are probably my favorites because of their personality.

Cyndi, my Leghorn, is very curious about everything, a bit of a goof at times, but is pretty calm and gentle for a Leghorn (according to everything I've read and been told about the breed), but she's usually one of the first to greet me and follows me around.

Joan, the dark red chicken, one of my Isa Brown's, is probably my most favorite because of how chatty she is, she is always the first to come to the gate everytime she sees me and talks to me, usually complaining that she wants snacks. She follows me around chatting at me. If there is ever a problem she makes sure I'm aware of it, she's probably my smartest chicken (I know they say chickens aren't very smart, but with Joan, I completely disagree 😂)

Reba, the lighter red chicken to the left of my Wyandotte, also an Isa Brown. She is probably the calmest most gentle chicken out of all of mine (including the buff orpingtons), she has always and will always have a special place in my heart.

Charlotte, my Wyandotte, I think she is very pretty, and she always stands out in the flock, she doesn't have the best personality. She don't like humans unless I have snacks, she don't like being held, she does get pecky with some of the other chickens and chases them around, it is fun to watch her run because she's a chunk, she tries to fly but usually it's just her running and flapping her wings, and she has a case of RBF so she always looks like she's angry at the world.

Just a few of my chickens. It's hard not to add several more pictures of every single of my 14 chickens, because they are all really great in my opinion.

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