Feather Plucking for DNA— Anyone w/Experience?


Jul 19, 2021
Lexington, KY
My Coop
My Coop
Hi friends —
I’m preparing to collect feather samples from my (3) Silkie babies for DNA 🧬 gender testing. They’ll be 7wks old this coming week. I’ve already put it off by 2wks due to being nervous about the process. I can’t believe I’m being like this…

Urghh 😫… I’m too silly; Has anyone else done this before? — I’ve been mentally kicking myself for not saving & sending in the eggshells at hatch; I have no clue where my head was then 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Then grab a feather and jerk. Make sure it is a single feather and not a bunch. Jerk hard enough for it to come out. A slow steady pull will hurt. A quick strong jerk will probably not even get much of a reaction.
It’s my plan to go in and pluck as quickly as possible, but I do need 3-4 feathers 🪶 from each bird… 😩
I might try to do a little video, because I couldn't find any on chickens/chicks, only on birds, like parakeets & parrots 🦜
Then grab a feather and jerk. Make sure it is a single feather and not a bunch. Jerk hard enough for it to come out. A slow steady pull will hurt. A quick strong jerk will probably not even get much of a reaction.
x2. Helps if you have someone hold the chick, and have the bag or envelope you're using ready and open. Grab 1 feather at a time, and yank it out. Make sure the feather is fully intact and drop it in the bag, and repeat.

Interesting that the instructions said to take them from the vent area, the one time I did DNA testing it asked for about 5 chest feathers. I'd follow their instructions if that's their preference though.

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