I just received 5 new chicks. Two of them are Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. These two had a rough start and were the only survivors of their shipment. I believe they have failure to thrive. I've had them 24 hours and they starting to perk up but are still very sleepy. I have been feeding them wet chick feed and just started some egg yolk. I'm feeding them through a syringe to the side of their beak. They will drink on their own but are not interested in feeding. I'm just wondering how often I should be feeding them the yolk. Right now, I'm doing it every 2 or 3 hours about .5cc of egg yolk. But I don't know if that is often enough. Also I have been giving them one drop of nutridrench each morning. We are on day two right now. I've made sure that the brooder isn't too hot. When they aren't sleeping they will move around a little. But most of the time they are sleeping. Any advice would be appreciated.
I just received 5 new chicks. Two of them are Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. These two had a rough start and were the only survivors of their shipment. I believe they have failure to thrive. I've had them 24 hours and they starting to perk up but are still very sleepy. I have been feeding them wet chick feed and just started some egg yolk. I'm feeding them through a syringe to the side of their beak. They will drink on their own but are not interested in feeding. I'm just wondering how often I should be feeding them the yolk. Right now, I'm doing it every 2 or 3 hours about .5cc of egg yolk. But I don't know if that is often enough. Also I have been giving them one drop of nutridrench each morning. We are on day two right now. I've made sure that the brooder isn't too hot. When they aren't sleeping they will move around a little. But most of the time they are sleeping. Any advice would be appreciated.