I hatched a clutch of 10 chicks from one of my hens back in April. As most chicken owners fear, the majority of the clutch turned out to be male; 8 of the 10 chicks. All of the chicks have been raised together and have never been apart in seperate enclosures, but I've recently noticed that the cockerels interact aggressively with each other. 2, 3, 4, or even 5 of the cockerels will engage in what appears to be fighting behavior at once. They'll grab anything that they can get a hold of being wattles, combs, feathers, and earlobes until one remains "victorious" . At the end of the day, they make their way into the coop and roost side-by-side like nothing ever happened.
I raised a clutch of 6 last year, and 2 were male. They never behaved like this and that whole clutch is still housed in the same enclosure, happy as can be. Is the aggression of the cockerels like a phase, and they'll grow out of it? Should I seperate the little dudes? Wait a bit? What should I do?
(The attached pictures are screenshots from a video that I took of 2 cockerels going at it as videos can't be uploaded)
I raised a clutch of 6 last year, and 2 were male. They never behaved like this and that whole clutch is still housed in the same enclosure, happy as can be. Is the aggression of the cockerels like a phase, and they'll grow out of it? Should I seperate the little dudes? Wait a bit? What should I do?
(The attached pictures are screenshots from a video that I took of 2 cockerels going at it as videos can't be uploaded)