HoneyComb and Nugget’s first dust bath!
We picked these two girls up three weeks ago from somebody with a bunch of chickens. They were kept with about seven other males and females in a cage above the ground - small, cramped and filthy. Her other chickens were kept in different size coops - some above the ground and some on the ground, but the youngest of the bunch who I guess weren’t laying yet because there was no room for nesting boxes - let alone 10 chickens.
We had to keep them within our coop in a smaller section until mine started being nice, and two days ago we moved them out.
Today I found them in the compost pile!
We picked these two girls up three weeks ago from somebody with a bunch of chickens. They were kept with about seven other males and females in a cage above the ground - small, cramped and filthy. Her other chickens were kept in different size coops - some above the ground and some on the ground, but the youngest of the bunch who I guess weren’t laying yet because there was no room for nesting boxes - let alone 10 chickens.
We had to keep them within our coop in a smaller section until mine started being nice, and two days ago we moved them out.
Today I found them in the compost pile!