First egg, calcium covered


In the Brooder
Oct 11, 2018
This is my first ever egg! I noticed that one of my hens were crouching and very clingy to me over the past few days and today when I went and checked on them there was an egg! It looks like a normal egg but it does have a calcium cover on it. Is that normal? I feed them an organic layer feed and food scraps daily. Typically, they eat grapes, corn, one piece of bread,etc. All shared. I have a flock of 7.


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This is my first ever egg! I noticed that one of my hens were crouching and very clingy to me over the past few days and today when I went and checked on them there was an egg! It looks like a normal egg but it does have a calcium cover on it. Is that normal? I feed them an organic layer feed and food scraps daily. Typically, they eat grapes, corn, one piece of bread,etc. All shared. I have a flock of 7.
Congrats on your first egg.....and Welcome to BYC!
You can get some weird eggs at first from new layers, things usually smooth out by a month or so(it should not take a year). Tho a female chicken is called a pullet until she is a year old, then she's called a hen and eggs will be larger in her second summer.
Congratulations on your first egg! :wee
Be prepared to see strange looking eggs for first time layers. Just be sure to provide a protein rich feed with oyster shell in a separate container at all times. Steer away from feeding corn and scraps. Giving them treats every so often is fine as long as your flock can eat it in about 10 minutes or so. Any more than that dilutes the nutrition chickens need from their formulated feed. Good luck! Enjoy those fresh eggs! ❤️

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