First kinda strut by my turkey poult!


Free Ranging
9 Years
Dec 8, 2015
Southeastern KY
My 5 week old Narragansett jake (just a guess, Im not asking anyone to attempt to sex my poults) did his first semi mini strut today. I just wanted to share the cuteness and my abundant excitement! :love


I'm guessing Ruger (named by my son) is a male because he was at least 100 grams heavier than his sibling when I last weighed them. My guess is his sibling is a jenny. Again, just an educated guess. Ruger is very social and curious, flies out of the brooder to explore when I am feeding them and he doesn't really mind being picked up and held. His sibling is the polar opposite and wants nothing to do with me. Lol. There is very obvious size differences in their heads and necks, as well as their shank thickness and feet size. Ruger is also much more masculine looking and wide, whereas his sister is dainty. His sister is not in any of the pictures.

Here Ruger is mingling with a 4 week old Sweetgrass poult from the adjacent brooder. They are growing fast!


I love them all to pieces if you can't already tell. I have done so much research and am being over the top extra hypervigilent to maintain max biosecurity with them so they dont get blackhead as I already know from experience it is in the ground on my property. I have heavily limed the outdoor brooder they will *eventually* go out to and watered it in. I think I will also put down some salt (NaCl) and water it in to nuke any potential earthworms as they can carry blackhead. I am going to keep them off the ground for as long as I possibly am able. Until they outgrow the indoor brooders. I just don't want to lose them.

Thank you for your tolerance to my ramblings. I needed a mental break from school work stuff..
Oh, that strut is so adorable! Your turkeys are cute. 😍 Thanks for sharing.

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