First Post and a Question About Behavior


In the Brooder
Feb 2, 2024
Eastern Virginia
Hello everyone, it's good to be here! Here's my basic info:

We have 4 birds, two easter eggers and two wyandottes. They are all the same age, 7 months. The two easter eggers have been laying for about 6 weeks, one wyandotte started laying about 3 weeks ago and the other wyandotte isn't laying yet.

We have a smallish coop, inside a larger run. We let the chickens out every day into a large fenced backyard for at least 3 or 4 hours, some days longer.

All 4 chickens have always gotten along well, no pecking or fighting. Starting today, the wyandotte that hasn't begun laying has started chasing one of the easter eggers around a lot. The easter egger now runs away whenever the wyandotte comes close.

I'm sure I'm just being concerned about nothing, but is this normal behavior seeing that they have grown up together and should have their pecking order down by now? I've read up on bullying and all that, but I'm not sure its gotten to that point yet.

Anyway, is this anything to be concerned about yet?
OK, thanks! I just figured they would have already have this worked out, but maybe they don't do this until they get older? Thanks again
Pecking order is a fluid thing and will keep changing with time. Given how you've described things, it's possible the non-layer is getting closer to onset of laying and the hormones are causing her to try and raise her rank.
Pecking order is a fluid thing and will keep changing with time. Given how you've described things, it's possible the non-layer is getting closer to onset of laying and the hormones are causing her to try and raise her rank.
OK, thanks. I found out some more info, it seems the wyandotte was even going under the deck to chase the EE down, even when the EE is not near. I hope this sorts itself out. They are mainly pets to me LOL
OK, thanks. I found out some more info, it seems the wyandotte was even going under the deck to chase the EE down, even when the EE is not near. I hope this sorts itself out. They are mainly pets to me LOL
As long as the EE can get in and out of there without issue, that should still be fine. Mainly you want to be sure that low ranked birds don't get so harassed that they can't eat or are being picked on to the point of injury.

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