
Jun 29, 2024
The lady seemed extremely knowledgeable about the stock of birds they had and even insisted they were all females because the males get bought first BUT what I wanted to know is if they are in fact “Black Sex linked Chicks” they are beautiful either way but I wanna make sure we aren’t hatching more chicks so we don’t want a rooster. Plus I love searching up about my babies so I’d love to know the correct breed if they are in fact not black sex link pullets. Does anyone know how old they are. Is the yellow a pekin? I’m sorry for this all over the place thread. I hope everyone is well! I believe the black duckling is dark dark brown and probably a Cayuga. The yellow duckling doesn’t look like what our runners looked like though so I am not sure. THANK


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Hi! So I'm not good at breed/gender identifying but the lady that said "they were all females because the males get bought first" is really misleading. Probably just trying to get you to buy them, because roosters are typically unwanted by most people as they crow, don't lay, and aren't allowed in some places. Sometimes they are violent, sometimes they help the flock thrive. Chicks are growing their feathers in already, I'd say 4-6 weeks? Can't say for the ducks. Good luck with the flock!
I can't say much about the ducklings, but if your chicks are indeed black sexlinks then they are all females. Males have a white dot on their head.
I also agree that the male sexlinks being brought first is hogwash as most people who buy sexlinks get them with the intention of avoiding roosters. Even if you want a rooster most people only need one or occasionally 2 for their flock. If people do intentionally buy up a bunch of roosters it's usually with the intention of raising them for meat.
Having a rooster isn't a guaranteed of getting more chicks. Fertilized eggs won't hatch until they're incubated by either you or a broody hen. If you collect eggs every day like you should anyways for other reasons - and watch out for hens trying to make secret nests which you should do regardless of a rooster being present for again, other reasons, you shouldn't have surprise chicks
well! I convinced my husband to get more chickens. When we went today we got the manager who manages his own farm and he insisted that what his employee said was in fact correct. He said the hatchery in our area mostly only sends females into their stores. I went around after that checking the little labeled SKU# signs and most of them are in fact females! From ducks to chicks to turkeys. But side note we now have 5 pullet Black sex links. I believe I accidentally chose a single rooster. There’s some white on the back of the head but it’s not super distinguishable, we got two unsexed lavender Orphingtons and 2 pullet Sapphire Gems. They are so cute! I am so in love


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