first time chicken parent-Hen vs Roo?


Jul 26, 2024
Hi! First time chicken mama here! We got 5 from our local ACE and we have had them for 19 weeks. We have a buff (Elsa), RIR (Anna), jersey giant (Ursula), Americana (honey), and a wyandotte (Delilah). I am curious what people thing hen vs roo especially for Anna. She is taller and skinnier than the others and is the only one with a big comb and wattles. Honey has always been LOUD especially when we would go and pick her up, we call her our pterodactyl and Ursula has been very noisy this week. The others make noises now and again but not nearly as much as those two. Our Elsa did get attacked by a fox on Sunday luckily we saw him run to grab her so me and my husband ran out and he let go over her and ran back to the woods and she just lost some feathers but otherwise unscathed! I am assuming this will put a delay on her laying if she's a girl? Anyways any help on sexing is much appreciated! Having trouble putting our faith in ACE as Ursula was supposed to be a Barred Rock LOL

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