Flock not laying

Too little space,too many hens and too much stress will cause them to stop laying.Signs to look for bullying, feather picking, pulling and early molting.Chickens can tolerate cold better than heat.They also need more room when its hot.How big is your coop?
Too little space,too many hens and too much stress will cause them to stop laying.Signs to look for bullying, feather picking, pulling and early molting.Chickens can tolerate cold better than heat.They also need more room when its hot.How big is your coop?
64 sqft with a 625 sqft run attached. I let them out at 7 am and close them up after dark.
Chickens need 4 SQ ft per per x 33 chickens =132 sq ft coop.They need more in the run(10 SQ ft per bird) Base don the number of hens you have they need approx 330 SQ ft in the run(you have more than enough run space) You need more space in the coop

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