- Jun 2, 2018
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I need some help!!! I have been losing a lot of chickens this summer not sure if from this nasty over long summer or something else. So it all started with a blue laced red Wyandotte that was about 10 wks old. She started losing balance and almost looked drunk. Did some research and bumped up the vitamins in the water hoping that was the issue. Well that chicken “floppy” is doing ok still has balance issues but eats drinks and otherwise has a happy life. A few weeks ago same thing happened to my black copper maran hen about 18-22 weeks. She didn’t make it. Then a barred rock, which about 22-24 weeks. She didn’t make it. Now I have this green queen that has been completely healthy and fine until yesterday. She is losing her balance walking backwards at times, falls over and mostly just lays down. I will try to attach a video of her this am so you can see. They have misters that get turned on if the afternoon plenty of fresh water they get a blend of foods. A high protein turkey, laying feed and a scratch mix without corn. I do have corid in the big water to prevent coccid but not the treatment dose