From appearances only (cuz I wasn't there for personality observance) visually Nyx was my favorite cuz she looked like a Satin Silkie ~ the Cochin in her mix allowed her to have the smooth body feathers yet allowed her to keep the Silkie body shape/tail, feathered feet, & bearded muff. The solid black was starting to show the iridescent sheen too. Morinth & Nocturne are two others I enjoyed seeing.
Nyx, when I did catch her, was super cuddly. Actually if I spent enough time sitting she would come to me for a pat and to be cuddled. Broody Morinth was very cuddly, as was broody Samara. Nocturne didn't care for me because of the bumblefoot but she was so nice to hold. She was a big ol marshmallow.
I can't stand it, I haven't had chickens in two years! :thI can now have them, but have to plan my coop first and wait out winter. Not going to lie, I have had my order picked out for spring for like 4 months. :oops: I will not go another winter with no promise of chickens in spring! I would much appreciate any ideas or suggestions y'all have. I am planning on 6-8 birds, 3 chocolate Orpington hens, 1 chocolate Orpington rooster, 1 Delaware hen, and 1 Buff Orpington. Maybe a turkey. Or 2 Easter Eggers. Or 2 Barnvelders. Or 2 Welsummers. We shall see. Anywho, I am open to suggestions/ideas on how to make this the best coop design yet.
Ooooh - I love coop design - send plans, pictures etc. I am sure there will be no shortage of advice.
You might want to create a dedicated thread for it - lots of people do and get really good input. You can post a link here so we can all jump in.
Clears throat.....

I TOLD YOU SOO!!!!!!!!!!

Yes she was nice about you taking them. Did you hear the growl though when your first discovered her. Before you touched her I might add. I did. I bet if you were to feel her chest you will find she was starting to pluck those feathers. You found that nest just in time. Her size it is very possible she could have chosen this evening to start setting.

Now you are in for it. She is going to abandon that spot and find another. One even more hidden and out of the way. It is the nature of a game hen, have fun.

Wonderful job Mrs. Little Chicken on your first try. Momma Hen is smiling down on you. She too was foiled many times in her quest for chicks.
Ooooh - I love coop design - send plans, pictures etc. I am sure there will be no shortage of advice.
You might want to create a dedicated thread for it - lots of people do and get really good input. You can post a link here so we can all jump in.
Will do! I have plenty of room now to create, so it is exciting.
I can't stand it, I haven't had chickens in two years! :thI can now have them, but have to plan my coop first and wait out winter. Not going to lie, I have had my order picked out for spring for like 4 months. :oops: I will not go another winter with no promise of chickens in spring! I would much appreciate any ideas or suggestions y'all have. I am planning on 6-8 birds, 3 chocolate Orpington hens, 1 chocolate Orpington rooster, 1 Delaware hen, and 1 Buff Orpington. Maybe a turkey. Or 2 Easter Eggers. Or 2 Barnvelders. Or 2 Welsummers. We shall see. Anywho, I am open to suggestions/ideas on how to make this the best coop design yet.

Sounds like a plan!

I never had Orps but people who own them love their calm temperaments.

EEs will give you different green-blue eggs from the varying light brown Orp eggs ~ though I hear owners have been disappointed their EEs did not necessarily lay green-blue eggs but tinted or white. We were afraid to risk an EE for that reason & went w/ a true Blue Wheaten Ameraucana for guaranteed blue eggs.

Ameraucana blue eggs & Breda white eggs

We are ordinanced for only 5 hens/no roos so we had to be more picky about breed choice if we wanted different egg colors. An honest hatchery will post disclaimers that sometimes their EEs might lay 4 different colors ~ pink, white, mint, or blue eggs.

We stayed away from Delaware & Barnevelder only because they are larger & reportedly less friendly reputation breeds but everyone has their favorite breeds either for personality, eggs, meat, or eye candy. For white eggs w/ friendly personality I would pick Barred Rock or Dominique over Delaware but that's me.

Use time to research general breed temperaments before mixing your flock. Some breeds are top of the pecking order & some are timid in nature. Alike breeds tend to pal around so get 2 minimum of each breed if they will be confined in a closed run. If you have a large open range rather than a confined run then mixing breeds should be less problematic.

We had a Cuckoo Marans for dark brown eggs but she was so mean that I wish we got Welsummer instead ~ the Wellies' terra cotta eggs w/dark brown speckles are unique & different from other brown egg layers.

Marans, White Leghorn, Breda, 3 Silkie eggs

A turkey? By itself? Dunno :idunno, never had any, & my folks' farm never did either. But it sounds interesting. I found someone who bred bantam white turkeys teehee! Bantam turkeys around chickens sounds better than big turkeys?!

In the end pick your heart's desire & then learn like the rest of us what worked best in the end for you ❤️! Can't wait to see what you get!
Mrs Little Chicken


Found her hidden cache!

9 lovely wee eggs
View attachment 3994492

And she was ever so nice about me stealing them 😊

Why did you rob Mrs. Little Chicken of her eggs? I seem to remember you claiming you would be sure they were infertile because she is so small and the boys to big for her. Terrible injustice here. March at least half of those eggs right back out to her and apologize.
Nyx, when I did catch her, was super cuddly. Actually if I spent enough time sitting she would come to me for a pat and to be cuddled. Broody Morinth was very cuddly, as was broody Samara. Nocturne didn't care for me because of the bumblefoot but she was so nice to hold. She was a big ol marshmallow.
It is so easy to love chickens! So many people in this world have no idea!
Having an early Thanksgiving tomorrow. It's the only day where schedules line up. As an added bonus my best friend and his wife will be joining us. They've known our kids their whole lives. My granddaughter loves Mike, she calls him the professional fisherman. He helped teach my kids to hunt n fish and is now helping teach my granddaughter. Tax pics below.View attachment 3994499View attachment 3994500
Sunday after church, our congregation will be having a feast for thanksgiving :drool

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