Foot Issue?


5 Years
Apr 25, 2019
St. Louis, MO

I was out checking on the girls earlier as it is cold and snowy here and noticed one had what I thought was bumblefoot. She's semi feral so I snatched her up intending to bring her in and fight her to soak and dig. However, when I flipped her foot over there is nothing I can identify to work on. No scab, eschar, or even an open area where it looks like something fell out. I looked HARD. Eventually I had to set her down to take pics as I was solo so I don't have a pic of the bottom but I assure you there is nothing there. I thought maybe she had some type of mite but I've never dealt with those and when I googled I didn't see anything that makes me think she has mites. Does anyone have any other thoughts?


the surgery method can be painful and since there isn't a clear place to work, I'd put a drawing salve on it. this will help bring the infection to the surface.

Good luck!

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