Help! Found baby opossum


Aug 19, 2020
I found a baby opossum in a sunflower seed container left open overnight in the barn. What should I do? If I leave it there, the cats may find it.
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Is there any way to keep it open for mama to come get it? She probably got scared away. I think a tree may be your next best option.
I would personally put it in a box for the day with water mixed with a pinch of sugar, and then come night put it back where it was found. If theres a way to keep it there and keep the cats from it that would be ideal.
I admit that the little guy is actually cute. However, if you have horses, eliminate it, because horses and opossums just don't mix. Wildlife rehabbers might take it on, and have others too.
And your sunflower seeds need to be in metal trash cans!

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