Free Hens in Los Angeles (1-1.5 years old)


In the Brooder
Nov 4, 2020

It is with great regret that I am posting this message, but we need to re-home our beloved hens. 3 hens are Rhode Island Reds and 1 hen is a Black Maran (1.5 years old). It is due to a combination of family issues and a potential move. All of the hens are laying and healthy, we adopted them when they were 6 months old from a family that lost their home. Their names are MG, Scabby, Shadow and Scaredy Cat. MG and Scabby know their names, the rest are hit or miss. They are used to having about 15 square feet per hen of run space, they share one nest box (though they have access to 3) and eat and drink from automated water and feeder systems that only require 5 minutes of attention 2x a week. Each of them lays an egg 5-6 days out of the week so for a family of 3-4, you would have plenty of eggs.

In addition to the hens, they will come with enough food for a month, extra straw, wood chips, meal worms, etc. You can also take their existing coop and run that I custom built and that they love. We also have a smaller coop they used when they were younger. Only challenge with the coops is that they do need to be disassembled for transportation as they won't currently fit through the fences in my yard. So you'll need a couple of guys, tools and a big truck / trailer plus a full weekend day for the disassembly. We also have vent fans and a mister for them due to the heat waves. You don't need to take the coops / runs / supplies, just an offer though we've invested a lot in the coop and supplies and everything is top notch. The coop has automated battery powered doors that are sensitive to sunrise/sunset. They eat Kelley's layer crumbles which we supplement with oyster shells, meal worms and fresh vegetables from our garden.

All of this is free, but you will have to demonstrate to me that you want to keep the chickens as pets (of course understanding that you would want to eat the eggs), that they will have a safe space to stay and that they will be allowed to live out their lives (not euthanized early if they stop laying). We are located in Sherman Oaks Van Nuys and you will need a pet crate to transport them. Please PM me with your phone number and I will call you to discuss.


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Hi All, just wanted to check and see if anyone is interested in my hens. Really do need to find them a home soon. They are 100% free with equipment and as I mention all I want is someone who will have them as pets / for eggs vs. food.
Hi there! I came across your post when I was looking into getting some hens for my family.

I happen to live just about an hour and a half from LA! Yippee!! lol

We've never owned chickens before, but we've been planning on it for a couple years now.

We have just over a half acre with a huge back yard. I would love to give these ladies a new home!

We have a small car ( the kind that is the size of a car, but shaped like an SUV ) so I know we wouldnt be able to fit any of the housing for them.

Even if I could get my wife on board with renting a Uhaul or something, that still doesnt solve the labor problem needed to break everything down. I would have to figure that part out, if possible..

Considering that we've never owned hens before, I can understand if this is the less-than-ideal scenario for them, but please let me know if / when would work for you, for us to come get those pretty little ladies!!

Thank you.

It is with great regret that I am posting this message, but we need to re-home our beloved hens. 3 hens are Rhode Island Reds and 1 hen is a Black Maran (1.5 years old). It is due to a combination of family issues and a potential move. All of the hens are laying and healthy, we adopted them when they were 6 months old from a family that lost their home. Their names are MG, Scabby, Shadow and Scaredy Cat. MG and Scabby know their names, the rest are hit or miss. They are used to having about 15 square feet per hen of run space, they share one nest box (though they have access to 3) and eat and drink from automated water and feeder systems that only require 5 minutes of attention 2x a week. Each of them lays an egg 5-6 days out of the week so for a family of 3-4, you would have plenty of eggs.

In addition to the hens, they will come with enough food for a month, extra straw, wood chips, meal worms, etc. You can also take their existing coop and run that I custom built and that they love. We also have a smaller coop they used when they were younger. Only challenge with the coops is that they do need to be disassembled for transportation as they won't currently fit through the fences in my yard. So you'll need a couple of guys, tools and a big truck / trailer plus a full weekend day for the disassembly. We also have vent fans and a mister for them due to the heat waves. You don't need to take the coops / runs / supplies, just an offer though we've invested a lot in the coop and supplies and everything is top notch. The coop has automated battery powered doors that are sensitive to sunrise/sunset. They eat Kelley's layer crumbles which we supplement with oyster shells, meal worms and fresh vegetables from our garden.

All of this is free, but you will have to demonstrate to me that you want to keep the chickens as pets (of course understanding that you would want to eat the eggs), that they will have a safe space to stay and that they will be allowed to live out their lives (not euthanized early if they stop laying). We are located in Sherman Oaks Van Nuys and you will need a pet crate to transport them. Please PM me with your phone number and I will call you to discuss.
Hello, did you find a home for the girls?

It is with great regret that I am posting this message, but we need to re-home our beloved hens. 3 hens are Rhode Island Reds and 1 hen is a Black Maran (1.5 years old). It is due to a combination of family issues and a potential move. All of the hens are laying and healthy, we adopted them when they were 6 months old from a family that lost their home. Their names are MG, Scabby, Shadow and Scaredy Cat. MG and Scabby know their names, the rest are hit or miss. They are used to having about 15 square feet per hen of run space, they share one nest box (though they have access to 3) and eat and drink from automated water and feeder systems that only require 5 minutes of attention 2x a week. Each of them lays an egg 5-6 days out of the week so for a family of 3-4, you would have plenty of eggs.

In addition to the hens, they will come with enough food for a month, extra straw, wood chips, meal worms, etc. You can also take their existing coop and run that I custom built and that they love. We also have a smaller coop they used when they were younger. Only challenge with the coops is that they do need to be disassembled for transportation as they won't currently fit through the fences in my yard. So you'll need a couple of guys, tools and a big truck / trailer plus a full weekend day for the disassembly. We also have vent fans and a mister for them due to the heat waves. You don't need to take the coops / runs / supplies, just an offer though we've invested a lot in the coop and supplies and everything is top notch. The coop has automated battery powered doors that are sensitive to sunrise/sunset. They eat Kelley's layer crumbles which we supplement with oyster shells, meal worms and fresh vegetables from our garden.

All of this is free, but you will have to demonstrate to me that you want to keep the chickens as pets (of course understanding that you would want to eat the eggs), that they will have a safe space to stay and that they will be allowed to live out their lives (not euthanized early if they stop laying). We are located in Sherman Oaks Van Nuys and you will need a pet crate to transport them. Please PM me with your phone number and I will call you to discuss.
Wondering if you found a home. Im in Van Nuys and would love them. You can check out our property and everything and see how we are animal lovers. I had chickens as pets as a child also.
Hi, sorry, Im new to this site and still trying to work out how it works. We have to go away for a month so will have to wait. Then if are going to get a few acres in the countyside maybe in Northern GeoGia, so if we move to another state whats the safest way to take them?

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