Free Ranging? Scared of Avian Flu


Jul 12, 2023
Protecting Chickens from Avian Flu – What’s Everyone Doing? Also, what are some Enrichment ideas?

Hey everyone,

I’ve been keeping my chickens in their run recently due to concerns about avian flu. I don’t live near geese or ducks, but there are sometimes small wild birds near their coop, and I’m worried about the flu spreading, so I am trying to take preventative measures. Free-ranging is one of their favorite parts of the day, so I’m not sure how long I can keep them from free-ranging.

For now, I’ve been trying to keep them entertained with mirrors, dangly toys, hanging vegetable feeders, and a pile of non-toxic leaves with veggies and mealworms hidden in them.

If anyone has any other enrichment ideas to keep them busy and happy while they’re not free-ranging, I’d really appreciate it! Also, is anyone free ranging their chickens during this time?

I'm free ranging. and I have ducks as well - doubly risky. and a (tiny) pond on property in the chicken's pasture - triply risky.

I'm also not under any of the major flyways for wild bird migrations, have no close commercial chicken operations (they all went bankrupt years ago), my closest neighbors w/ chickens are at least half mile away. I have limited contact w/ "civilization" and don't wear my clothing or shoes from a TSC visit during "chick days" or a trip to the animal auction into my pasture.

Managing risks, accepting that the only guarantee is that no one gets out of life alive - but in no rush to expedite the end game.
For now, I’ve been trying to keep them entertained with mirrors, dangly toys, hanging vegetable feeders, and a pile of non-toxic leaves with veggies and mealworms hidden in them.

If anyone has any other enrichment ideas to keep them busy and happy while they’re not free-ranging, I’d really appreciate it!
Not fond of using food as 'enrichment'....and "dangly toys" can be dangerous.

Good ideas for enrichment:
I don't free range. The birds have their run. They are safest there. We are on a major flyway and practically everyone has chickens on our road, including two large chicken businesses. Our birds do get out into fenced areas when we are with them but those occasions have been severely limited for the past two years due to the flu and predators. I do not think that it is unreasonable to be concerned about the highly pathogenic avian flu.
What does your run look like? Can all of your chickens see 100% of all the other chickens? Adding perches in the run, mini walls, platforms high enough to get under or on top of, ladders saw horses, pallets, plastic totes. These tend to make the run look cluttered, but makes use of the vertical space, lets birds get away from each other.
You would seem to be at a low risk. During the major avian flu outbreak a few years ago I did not loose one chicken. When chickens get avian flu they drop dead. If you do not have fowl stopping by your place during migration, you are very unlikely to have any of your fowl catch avian flu.
Mine would have been locked up for the past 10years if I did that every time there has been this bird flu concern. They're free range as always, happy and healthy as always. Just my opinion here but life is way too short to spend time trying to eliminate low risk situations (I may feel differently about HIGH risk,) but I'm guessing your is low, like mine.

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