Free roaming pheasants?

the beginner

5 Years
Jun 29, 2016
Has anyone tried before, and if so what are the results? Are there a specific species that you can try with? Can you try with silvers?
In general, they do not 'free range' well at all. There are always those that are the exception!
I have a Reeves pheasant that escaped it's enclosure and has been free ranging for over a year now. Some how he has managed to survive, raccoons, feral cats, foxes and hawks.
Here's some pics! And a video! IMG_11481.jpg IMG_11541.jpg IMG_11521.jpg 20200505_075912.jpg 20200505_075623.jpg 20200316_085950.jpg 20200228_175736.jpg 20200228_175556.jpg 20200228_181525.jpg


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