
Apr 3, 2023
I checked over my rooster once more thinking he has bumblefoot as he always seems to have and found that on his left foot he has frostbite on his middle toe and his right foot Frostbite on his middle toe and the bottom pad of his outward facing toe. I know two toes may fall off though it seems to be healing alright. not sure about the pad?

And i know Chickens can be resilient. Unfortunately we have no vet here for another 2 hours out of town so not much i can do . He lost one toe last winter and i thought he was doing okay this winter since he stayed inside the coop, but i should have known better. My question is will be live fine without basically all his toes?

Should i start looking for some forms of like 'shoes' to help him walk should he need it? I don't want him to be in constant discomfort if i can prevent it. And i know if he's not living well i should cull him

But Genuine question. Should i just have to wrap his feet with an extra pad to help him if he needs it, are there shoes of some kind i should look at ? what can i do to help him
Do you have any pictures if his feet and toes? That would be helpful by tomorrow if possible. Is he sleeping on a wide roost at night where he can cover his feet with his body? I has a little guy who liked to sleep on a metal feed/garbage can lid sometimes, and he got some frostbite on a couple of toes. The hens were on the 2x4 flat roosts, and never got any. Most chickens can get along fine if they lose toes to frostbite. It can take a month or more for the frostbitten part to fall off.
Do you have any pictures if his feet and toes? That would be helpful by tomorrow if possible. Is he sleeping on a wide roost at night where he can cover his feet with his body? I has a little guy who liked to sleep on a metal feed/garbage can lid sometimes, and he got some frostbite on a couple of toes. The hens were on the 2x4 flat roosts, and never got any. Most chickens can get along fine if they lose toes to frostbite. It can take a month or more for the frostbitten part to fall off.
i can get pictures tomorrow. He doesn't normally roost he has always liked the floor but he has access to a wider roost than the hens for when he does perch. all i know is that its that solid hard feel to his toes and black to purple. right now he's already in the coop sleeping so cant get pictures now.

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