Frostbite on combs


In the Brooder
Aug 4, 2024
North Dakota
Got my first case of chicken frostbite this winter:( My 2 buff Orpingtons combs were turned white overnight, but thankfully just on the tips. I have my run covered in plastic and whatnot but we’re in subzero weather. The internet said that putting Vaseline on the affected area can help, so I did that. Although I’m afraid the Vaseline might freeze to their combs and make it worse. Anyone have frostbite treatment/prevention methods?
Is there enough ventilation in the coop where they roost? Frostbite will happen when too much moisture builds up in there. I would add more ventilation (1 square foot of ventilation per bird), cover the holes in 1/2" hardware cloth, but above the roosts, not where direct drafts can affect the birds at all.
Vaseline can freeze. Can you post any pictures of the combs? How cold was it? Are they inside a coop at night out of the wind?
I haven't taken pictures yet but I should. I didnt do the vaseline but their combs have gotten slightly worse. At night yes they're shut in the coop. It's totally draft free but lately its been -2 degrees here in North Dakota.
Agree with the other two. The damage comb with fall off after a couple weeks. You could dub (cut the comb off, I do this with my bantam roosters with large combs) the Orpingtons so they won’t get anymore frostbite
The tissue isn't black/dead yet, so I'm thinking hopefully the tissue can heal if i put them in my heated shed so they can get out of the freezing temperatures
Is there enough ventilation in the coop where they roost? Frostbite will happen when too much moisture builds up in there. I would add more ventilation (1 square foot of ventilation per bird), cover the holes in 1/2" hardware cloth, but above the roosts, not where direct drafts can affect the birds at all.
Yes, there are two ventilation holes which have covers but it still lets enough air flow. Quite a bit above the roosts. It does'nt seem very humid at all in the coop which was what puzzled me.
Are you me? I'm also in ND and have two buff orps who got frostbite on the tips of their combs. I know I don't have enough ventilation though, my humidity is 78% right now 😬. It's going to get really cold tonight and tomorrow so I'm going to shut them in. My run is also covered by a roof and plastic sheeting, though only on 3 sides.

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