
10 Years
Feb 1, 2015
Hi, I have a 12 year old African gander that appears to have prolapsed. I came home from work to him bloody around his vent area and a golf ball sized mass hanging out. I cleaned it off to the best of my ability with warm soapy water. He has been moved out of the barn and into a brooder with a heat lamp, fresh bedding, vitamins in his water, and food.
When I try to gently push the protrusion back in he is actively pushing against it. I don’t want to cause him any more harm and I really don’t want him to die. I don’t believe there are any avian vets in my area, please please help me.


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If you don't have a vet near, then search for a fowl or avian rescue for assistance or advice. You could call your local University Extension office if you have one.
Do you have any other geese? Is it possible he was attacked while trying to mate?

There is a strain of mycoplasma, “I think mycoplasma anseris” that infects geese and causes them to prolapse, the prolapse can become necrotic and will require surgical removal if it does.
Do you have any other geese? Is it possible he was attacked while trying to mate?

There is a strain of mycoplasma, “I think mycoplasma anseris” that infects geese and causes them to prolapse, the prolapse can become necrotic and will require surgical removal if it does.
No other geese, he’s actually been separated out for bullying my chickens. He’s been imprinted on humans his whole life, he hatched as a single gosling. I cleaned him off and have some bag-balm on the protruding flesh, he’s in a fresh new pen with new bedding and everything. I’m not sure where I could even go to find a vet in the area that would work on birds.
If you don't have a vet near, then search for a fowl or avian rescue for assistance or advice. You could call your local University Extension office if you have one.
I’ll try to call somewhere in the morning, would a local Penn state extension office work? Of course this happened on a Saturday so I can’t even call our vets office to see if they have any recommendations as to where I can take him
I had a drake with a prolapse a few years back. I brought him in and put him in a warm bathtub of water kept it warm for hours treated him with anti-inflamitory B12 and Turmeric in a syringe orally .. Used Mineral oil on his bum then put him back in the warm bath (I would not uses epson salt in the bath since its a drying agents). It took him about 6 hours to get it back in. But it wasn't that bad just stuck hanging out. Have to wonder if something more severe is going on. Such as straining to poop or something stuck. Also worming wouldn't hurt. But vet is the best Idea.
He is still prolapsed, I had successfully gotten it back in a few times but when he goes to poop it comes right back out. I’m trying to find a vet that will see him, the ones that would’ve seen him are booked for the next day or just not open. I plan to drive him to Cornell university veterinary if I cannot get ahold of anyone else that can see him by tomorrow. Even if I could get the prolapse to stay in, I know he’d need some antibiotics to help combat any potential infection he could get from this ordeal.
He has been acting totally fine, he’s eating and drinking honking and pooping. All the things a normal goose should be doing, just happens to have his manhood and a bit of extra flesh still hanging out.
I’ve been cleaning the area multiple times a day, and then using an alcohol free antiseptic spray and sugar on the exposed tissue to try and reduce some of the swelling.
I got him to a vet, thankfully a more local one I didn’t even think of was more than willing to help as they’ve fixed up chickens and ducks before with similar problems.
However I do have some concerns and I want to ask if anyone has any recommendations. He definitely has diarrhea, and the vet thinks that’s probably what caused the prolapse in the first place, with that said he was able to poo with his prolapse and after he was stitched up. I noticed last night and again this morning not much is coming out when he tries to poop, it’ll just slowly dribble out of him. (And it’s cold so he has a bit of a poo-cicle hanging there). Did the vet stitch him up a bit too tightly?
Second issue is the meds, he hasn’t exactly been cooperative. The pills firstly are absolutely huge, and he needs to take one and a half of that huge one and then he has a smaller one for pain and inflammation. We wrestled his first dose in him but I’m scared that the stress could kill him or that it’ll go down the wrong pipe and kill him that way. His second and third doses I cut the pills down and tried to hide them in some bread and it worked! However this morning he seems to have figured it out and only took the smaller pill and one whole big one, not his extra 1/2 of the big one.

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