Gaping wound in chickens foot


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2024
Our almost one year old Austra White (named Lumos) was observed sitting down a lot today so after checking her out, I found a large clump of dirt/poop dried onto a wound on the bottom of her foot. I soaked her feet in a warm epsom salt bath, slowly rubbed the dirt clump off, and observed a large open wound. I cleaned it out as best as I could, applied bacitracin, and attempted to wrap gauze to help keep it clean. Is there anything else you would recommend doing for her? Do you think her injury warrants help from a professional? Thank you for any and all advice!
With a large cut I probably would initially use some Hibiclens/chlorhexidene and water, or Betadine (Equate Wound Antiseptic) to clean a dirty wound. Walmart sells both in the first aid aisle under $10. Then, continue the Neosporin twice a day. Keep the wound covered in a gauze pad and strips of vet wrap or cohesive dressing. Pictures would be helpful. Do you know how he injured the foot, so that it doesn’t happen to another?

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