here is a photo of the cutting/pastry board I made to fit tightly on the kitchen sink.

@jvls1942 I love that cutting board! I just spent $50 on a new cutting board from a Kitchen shop in town. I need to oil it, it seems pretty dry. But it would be nice to have one made to fit my sink!
jvls1942 can tell you how you can have your new board slightly modified to fit snug in your sink. If not,,, then I can direct you to what needs to be done. Not a very long/difficult task,, as long as you have some clean wood pieces,, and Stainless steel screws.

@jvls1942 ,, can you post a picture of bottom side of that cutting board???
we are having nice weather, sunny warm days and then it rains at dusk.
the plum and pear trees are all blossomed out
apples are just budding as are the grapes.
rhubarb is almost ready to be picked for our first pie of the season.
I got the lawn mower out and did a few laps around the yard. gotta work the cobwebs out.
still busy in the shop. disassembled a router table that I built years ago.
removed the table extension from the planer.
don't do long boards that often. it freed up a good amount of floor space. I cut it shorter and made a shelf under the stairs for storing odds and ends of short boards and plywood,.
I eliminated a half of a 55 gal barrel that was full of bits and pieces of wood. the wood is now in the stove. I will need a really cold day when I light that
got the tractor back from the fixit guy. new oil pump in the engine. great oil pressure, now
I want to work up a patch for some sweet corn.
I have so many projects, I don't know what to do first..
the shelf turned out great. only problem is that my very heavy drill press is in the way and I can't get some pieces of plywood to the shelf.
I need somebody with a strong back and a weak mind to come stumbling along. my bro Dave is a good candidate . lol
yesterday we bought a bare root pear tree with blossoms on it. I potted it into a half of a 55 gal barrel. set it next to the lone pear tree in the yard that is just about done blossoming.
we hope the bees find it very soon.
the other pear tree that I had, died .
If this plan doesn't work, the two trees will be there next spring,,I hope..
I will plant the new tree in it's permanent spot after it is done blossoming.
today I will pick rhubarb for our first pie this season., I pick it and cut it up. Annie makes the award winning pie. she makes her crust with cooking oil, and half/half , water/booze.
the shelf turned out great. only problem is that my very heavy drill press is in the way and I can't get some pieces of plywood to the shelf.
I need somebody with a strong back and a weak mind to come stumbling along. my bro Dave is a good candidate . lol
But when you need the said plywood you have to find another strong back to get it out. 😂
Annie makes the award winning pie. she makes her crust with cooking oil, and half/half , water/booze.
When I read BOOZE,,, I got a chuckle out of it. Well, I actually do add alcohol to my Angel wing recipe. It was RUM last time.
I know that by the time it gets cooked/baked, the alcohol does evaporate, and I don't get a BUZZ, :old:rant:lau but it does its purpose/job in the dough.
the recipe calls for gin or vodka. but all we have on hand is bourbon from the bourbon chicken she made. I tried an old fashion with it. didn't care for it much..
today I tried moving the super heavy drill press, just enough so I could put wood on the new storage shelf. surprise, it has wheels under it. I do NOT remember doing that.. anyway, I wheeled it all the way to the opposite wall. naturally I had to move a dozen things out of the way.
just when I think I am making headway, another thing raises it's ugly head. the sump pump burned out. lucky me, I have a spare.
only now I have to waste a few hours on something like that when I could be wasting my time on something else..

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