Trying to figure out which roosters to keep based on genetics.
The two I’m deciding between are both crossed with my BCM rooster, one from a blue egged EE and one from an olive egger mix.
Future potential hen crosses for either of them:
Blue and green egg laying legbar mixes
Blue and green egg laying EE’s
Brown egg laying RIR, Orpingtons, Speckled Sussex, Brahmas.
I assume it’s a toss up with the mixes, but I know absolutely nothing about the genetics and maybe someone has a better idea of future egg colors that could come from offspring either of these roos?
The two I’m deciding between are both crossed with my BCM rooster, one from a blue egged EE and one from an olive egger mix.
Future potential hen crosses for either of them:
Blue and green egg laying legbar mixes
Blue and green egg laying EE’s
Brown egg laying RIR, Orpingtons, Speckled Sussex, Brahmas.
I assume it’s a toss up with the mixes, but I know absolutely nothing about the genetics and maybe someone has a better idea of future egg colors that could come from offspring either of these roos?