Getting the Drakes Back Together


7 Years
Mar 12, 2017
Now that mating season is about over, I'm wondering if my two drakes that I have with my duck flock might accept the one drake they ran out back in February? I've had him separated since then, but his housing was temporary, and I'd love to put him back until I can build something more permanent for one or two of the boys this winter. I've had a girl separated with him, and I'm going to put her back with the flock this week, and if that goes okay, I was thinking of putting him out with them in another week or two. They all grew up together and were fine for about a year, but by last Feb, he was scared to go into the pen with the other boys and even ended up with a minor injury.

I know this would probably be a trial and error thing, but just wondering if anyone else has had success with this?
If they are in a molt now, hormone levels should be down, and integration MIGHT go more easily.
I'm starting to see lots of feathers in the pen, so I assume they are. A couple of weeks ago, they were super rowdy and mating like crazy, and I just broke up a broody hen, but otherwise, they seem to be a bit calmer. Thanks!
I just took the fence down between my Pekins and my runners. All four are drakes. They've stopped fighting for the most part. They have little scuffles but overall they're pretty calm now.
Are there any hens in the mix?
I just brought back together two pekins I rescued at the beginning of April. They, Huey and Dewey, were tightly bonded but Huey kept dominating the slightly smaller Dewey and I couldn't break the behavior. Huey was boarded out with my son's females for nearly 3 months. He moulted and became a lovely adult drake. Meanwhile Dewey got downy feathers round his eye and down his neck but hasn't moulted yet. He remains slightly smaller than Huey.

Bringing Huey back to my flock, we started out with see no touch and it was obvious they recognized each other and they spent most of the day hanging out together inside/by the side of Huey's dogcrate. So I let Huey out but he immediately went for Dewey's neck. Back to see no touch for 3 days when I inadvertently let Huey out with all the ducks. Ok: Huey tried to duke it out with Dewey but Dewey held his own. They then started running round my back yard together. A further tussle when Huey tried to exclude Dewey from the kiddie pool. Dewey again was having none of that and prevailed. They are now best friends!

So try your drakes together after a period of see no touch snd hopefully all will be well.

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