Giant Chicken Egg

Yikes! :th That was one ambitious hen! Have you weighed it? Did you open it, how many yolks does it have?
We haven't weighed it. The hen that laid it is one of our Buff Orpongton's. Our hens are pretty big. Here is a pic of them next to a five gallon bucket.
Update: After doing a little research we learned that the heaviest Chicken egg entered into the Guinness Book of World Records is 5.6 oz. It was laid from a chicken in Russia back in 2004. Our Buff Orpington egg weighed a whopping 6.2 oz at our local post office today. Note: There is another egg from California, pending verification, that weighs around 6.4 oz. OK, our hen's prize egg may not be a new World Record, but it's worth contacting Guinness to have it verified as to where it stands. LoL!!!
Sorry, but we won't be cracking this egg open any time soon just to see what's in it. :)

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