Giant cochin chicks - slow/fast feathering?


Premium Feather Member
Jun 22, 2021
Upstate NY (Otsego county), USA
These partridge giant cochin chicks are 2 weeks old today with two phenotypes I've labeled in the photo. The "A" chicks have big wings and a good tail coming in. The "B" chicks have very stubby wings and no sign at all of tail feathers coming in, not even pin feathers - still just fuzz on those butts! I've never seen this before in chicks I've raised, whether hatched from my own barnyard mixes or from a hatchery. Is this the slow/fast feathering trait i've read about? If it is, does it mean anything in this breed?

Usually I see that in the male chicks.
I was worried that was going to be the case. I hope the 2 stubby no tail babies are the boys then? They were all supposed to be pullets. I guess 2v3 either way it’s much different from hatching odds darnit LOL

EDIT: meant to say it's NOT much different from hatching odds - oops
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I was worried that was going to be the case. I hope the 2 stubby no tail babies are the boys then? They were all supposed to be pullets. I guess 2v3 either way it’s much different from hatching odds darnit LOL
Wait and see. Some have said it isn't always accurate and the chicks need to carry the gene. Definitely worth following up with the sex when you can tell more. I'm certainly curious because I've seen it many times, and thought that slow feathering in cochins was always male. Hope I'm wrong.
Just over 3 weeks in now. The feathering difference has amplified. No real other differences; no notable comb or behavior things so far.

The "A" chicks in my previous photo are all like this one:

and both "B" chicks are like this with still very large areas of fluff. They are only just starting to get pin feathers on their tail nibs.
Almost at 5 weeks. The slower feathering "B" chicks are diverging now. One is pretty much feathered but basically no tail, and the other one still has more fluff showing. These are the two of them together. Nothing really screaming cockerel to me at this point.

(Please forgive the horendous mess they're making of my and other factors have kept them indoors more than intended)

One of the faster feathering siblings for comparison.
Almost at 5 weeks. The slower feathering "B" chicks are diverging now. One is pretty much feathered but basically no tail, and the other one still has more fluff showing. These are the two of them together. Nothing really screaming cockerel to me at this point.
View attachment 3879854
(Please forgive the horendous mess they're making of my and other factors have kept them indoors more than intended)

One of the faster feathering siblings for comparison.
View attachment 3879853
Those are some decent sized combs for 5 week Cochins. All of my Cochin hens had almost non-existent combs at this age, but my cockerels were showing like yours.
Those are some decent sized combs for 5 week Cochins. All of my Cochin hens had almost non-existent combs at this age, but my cockerels were showing like yours.
The combs are pretty identical on all of them. A little frustratingly identical actually since I usually use comb differences to distinsuigh chicks by this point so I can name them. I still can't tell the three fast-featherers apart.
6 weeks...the B chicks still have very little tail but other than that the only notable difference is that the Bs' foot feathers are bigger/fluffier. Combs are all still pullet-colored. No notable reddening of combs or wattle areas on anybody so far. I have read some contradicting things on whether partridge male/female color differences should be showing by now.


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