Giving babies to adult quail

Crystal Chicken

Mar 29, 2023
Ontario, Canada
I have an injured bullied quail that has been alone for a while as it heals. I was told by someone else on another platform that I could see if she will take babies to raise as her raising them might help their behaviour.

How do I know if she's accepted them? She's not being mean to them, she let's them snuggle in her feathers, but then she will also move away from them at times when they are trying to get warm.

Not sure what to watch for.

Thank you!
It sounds like she's doing okay with the chicks. What you need to watch for is if she pecks at them. If she's letting them snuggle under her, she's probably going to do well with them.

In my experience, older hens do much better with chicks than younger ones.
She seems to be doing OK with them still :)
She is only just over 3 months old, so I'd say she's doing good for her age then! She's not pecking them at all.

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