Gleet ? Prolapse? Soft egg?

Pary Moppins

In the Brooder
Sep 30, 2024
I have an EE hen who is about two years old. She hasn’t been laying for a month or so and I thought it was due to heat.
The past few days she has looked as if she was going to lay but nothing comes out. Yesterday I picked her up and it felt like some fluid was coming from her vent and I thought it must have been because she was actually going to lay an egg. I checked her rump and it was clear of any obstruction.
Today I found her in the corner of the run hunched over standing still with her tail down. I brought her inside and gave her an epsom salt bath. After soaking for about twenty minutes, I checked her vent and there was something corkscrew shaped hanging out of it by a tiny thread of a membrane. (I will try to add the picture.)

She did poop. I gave her a tums and some yogurt and soaked her in Epsom salts again in hopes it would start contractions.

Her vent is not red or swollen. Is this a misshapen egg situation? If so, should I try to gently pull it out?

She is going to spend the night in a cat crate so she can rest.

All help is welcome. Thank you in advance.


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It could be a collapsed egg membrane or possibly lash egg material. Gently pull it out, and cut it open, then take more pictures.
Thank you so much for the advice. I didn’t know what a lash egg was so looked it up and that is exactly what it was.

She was put back in an Epsom soak this morning and I gently pulled on the tissue. Here’s another photo of the mass.

Vetricyn (sp?) spray, oregano oil and yogurt in her food, and another day of isolation today to recover is the plan.

Any further advice is welcomed. Thank you again for your help!


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