Golden Campine or golden Penciled hamburg?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 1, 2012
western NY
trying to determine if golden campine or golden penciled Hamburg pullet.

The difference between those two breeds is that Hamburgs have a rose comb and Campines have single combs. I can't tell which yours has by the pic, but it's a pullet. Though sometimes rose-comb breeds from hatcheries have single combs because of fertility issues with the rose-combs. Where'd you get it.
No, they are not bantams, but they are a light breeds so they will be fairly small. I can't tell for sure, but it looks like she has a rose comb so I'm thinking Gold Pencilled Hamburg.

Could be. And they do come in bantam sizes. 

I know they come in bantam size too. Murray McMurray doesn't carry bantam Golden Campines or bantam Gold Pencilled Hamburgs which is where the OP received chicks from.

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