Good Feed For Mixed Flock of Chickens and Ducks

Backyard Dacks

5 Years
Mar 27, 2019
Hey, everyone!
Can anyone suggest a good idea for feed for a mixed flock of laying chickens and ducks, if there is one (i.e. one that's good for the both)? I am thinking my ducks' pathetic-looking feathers (hope to be able to provide pictures if necessary later, but basically just not very fluffy, brittle, and kind of bare) are due to poor nutrition. Until now, they have been on this all-flock feed, this one, and some other all-flock layer feed. Any suggestions?
These are pictures. It is probably worth noting that their wings are also pretty short-looking. They are about 5 months old (Pekins, I think).
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Just kidding! I don't mind, I like honesty and constructive criticism.
Do you mean to say that their poor feather quality is due to a deficiency of sufficient bathing water? Because I have learnt that swimming water is not essential for ducks.
Because I have learnt that swimming water is not essential for ducks.

I think you have just learned a lesson about why it is. ;)

Contrary to what some sources might say, ducks do not just need a waterer sufficient only to dunk their heads in. When not allowed in water the accumulation of dirt, and debris begins to accumulate over the feathers follicles. In addition, to the dirt accumulation, there is a great decrease in the natural stimulation to distribute oils across their feathers, which results in a poor looking bird.

In the long run, it would be best to get them a water source where they can bathe themselves in. Given their poor feather quality, when they get in, don't be surprised if they look wet afterward. They may need a full molt to regain their feather quality. Gently misting their whole body may prove useful to regain proper feathers.

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