So, i have two geese. One is a female embden mix named kizuna. The other is a chinese of unknown gender named xiao. They live in a large mixed coop with 4 ducks and 6 hens. Kizuna is large and always has her head in the clouds. She is clumsey and somewhat nippy, but backs off pretty fast. Her and xiao mostly keep to themselves and dont really mess with the other animals. This spring, sometime in late january or early feburary, she started laying eggs. She layed about one every other day, and during this time, she stopped caring for herself. He feathers started getting really messy, and she looks really ratty. She has access to water, but for some reason doesnt seem to want to swim much, just drink and splash it around. She eats plenty of food, and forages around, but just looks terrible. She has not been laying anymore eggs for a month or so.
So, my question is, is there anything i could do to help her get her feathers back and be actually white again? Would bathing her myself work if i did it a few times, and maybe supplement to help her grow her feathers? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
So, my question is, is there anything i could do to help her get her feathers back and be actually white again? Would bathing her myself work if i did it a few times, and maybe supplement to help her grow her feathers? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated