Gosling feet changing color?


May 28, 2024

My 2 1/2 week old gosling's feet are changing from black to a pale white/yellowish color, beaks are still black. Is this normal? My 5 week old is starting to get her orange feet and beak but I expected that.
I haven't done geese before. But I have done ducks. And all waterfowl are related. There are some kinds of waterfowl that the feet 'skin' will change color during the infant stage or transition to juvenile stage.

Unfortunately its kind of breed specific information. For example, Welsh Harlequinns the feet and beak change color but not every duck breed changes color on the skin. I would suggest that its probably similar with geese breeds. It may be more than 1 type of breed of geese that change. Sometimes feathers can change colors after infant stage also. There are also more similarities between ducks and geese than chickens and ducks for example.

If you are new to waterfowl, it helps to use breeds that are gender dimorphous; meaning the males and females look differently to help you sort them out while learning about them.

There aren't a lot of people that do geese. But they have some interesting homesteading advantages, as they are efficient with feed compared to other farm animals.

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