Got entertained - Watched a crow harassing a hawk


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
I was taking a break from working in the chicken yard and heard a commotion in the sky. Looked up to see a crow harassing a hawk flying overhead.
It was quite entertaining to watch so I saw down on a block and watched them until they got further away from my neighborhood.
I knew crows did this to hawks but I was surprised to see it happening in real life.
Some people claim having a Black Australorp in the flock makes a hawk think it is a crow and leave the flock alone. I have a few in my flock and actually haven't had any issues with hawks... but I still think that is probably more a wives tale than reality.

Always fun to watch a bully be bullied though, no question. Actually I love hawks- just not when they are eating my chickens.

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