Got first 3 eggs today from my flock of 12 pullets.


6 Years
Dec 25, 2018
Hill Country Texas
Got first 3 eggs today from my flock of 13 pullets. 2 were mini size, one was a normal medium sized egg.
My flock consists of 4 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 3 Australorps, 3 Buff Orpingtons, & 3 Barred Rocks. The Wyandottes are the oldest by one week and I have never had this breed before. I have had all of the others. Those with Wyandottes is this typical?
It is very normal for the first attempts at eggs from a newly laying pullet to be subsized, mini eggs. That should change to more medium size eggs shortly.

All those breeds should give a medium to large egg their first year. Their second year, the eggs become slightly less frequent but larger in size.

Congratulations on your new layers. :)

Got first 3 eggs today from my flock of 13 pullets. 2 were mini size, one was a normal medium sized egg.
My flock consists of 4 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 3 Australorps, 3 Buff Orpingtons, & 3 Barred Rocks. The Wyandottes are the oldest by one week and I have never had this breed before. I have had all of the others. Those with Wyandottes is this typical?
I was so excited to find my first egg from my cinnamon queen pullets the day before yesterday. Today I got another mini egg, same nest box and think I know which was it is. It's gonna take 2 of these cute eggs to equal 1 but I don't care. Now for the others to start laying. Their combs have been bright rosy red and warm so I know their hormones are raging. I started with 26 chicks and a raccoon killed 22 so these last 4 are super special to me.

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