I'm back into quails
and need some help...
I culled 11 males (coturnix jumbo) today (11 weeks old) and one of those I skinned had a green slime between the skin and breast meat, but I couldn't see any green or issues when opening it up (i.e the intestines seemed fine) - he did seem to have some green "meat" (the ridge between his breast pieces). Also, there seemed to have been a fly inside him (where the green stuff was) - not an ordinary house fly, but one that looked flatter (I didn't see any worms though).
I got at bit paranoid so I believe I say some green stuff on the lungs of two of the other males, but might have been nothing (nothing on the remaining 8).
1) From what I can see it seems like this might be an infection of some sort? He seemed fine, and I didn't see any obvious injuries before culling him, but there was a dent at the very top of his chest so might be an old injury. Something to worry about for the remaining quail I have?
2) Is he still edible? (I don't like wasting life)
My male to female ratio is (well, was) way to high (25 females to 18 males) with feather picking (mainly females, but also some males), but hardly any fighting (and no injuries that I saw) - their aviary is around 60 sq ft (with 6ft ceiling + hiding spots + plenty of food 24/7)

I culled 11 males (coturnix jumbo) today (11 weeks old) and one of those I skinned had a green slime between the skin and breast meat, but I couldn't see any green or issues when opening it up (i.e the intestines seemed fine) - he did seem to have some green "meat" (the ridge between his breast pieces). Also, there seemed to have been a fly inside him (where the green stuff was) - not an ordinary house fly, but one that looked flatter (I didn't see any worms though).
I got at bit paranoid so I believe I say some green stuff on the lungs of two of the other males, but might have been nothing (nothing on the remaining 8).
1) From what I can see it seems like this might be an infection of some sort? He seemed fine, and I didn't see any obvious injuries before culling him, but there was a dent at the very top of his chest so might be an old injury. Something to worry about for the remaining quail I have?
2) Is he still edible? (I don't like wasting life)
My male to female ratio is (well, was) way to high (25 females to 18 males) with feather picking (mainly females, but also some males), but hardly any fighting (and no injuries that I saw) - their aviary is around 60 sq ft (with 6ft ceiling + hiding spots + plenty of food 24/7)