growing asparagus - would chicken leave it for me?


Feb 12, 2024

Anyone has experience with growing asparagus where chicken roam free? I mean to ask if they are more likely to leave it alone, or if they would pick it? I want it for myself not the chicken.

For context, they (about 20 hens and 2 roosters) live in a 1 acre fenced land with plenty of natural stuff to eat + chicken feed.

Do you have suggestions for other vegetables which I can grow around the 1 acre which chicken would tend to ignore?

We have a chicken wire fence around our asparagus
and that part of the garden we don't want them in. What they don't eat, they scratch. Hubby learned the hard way when he got the bright idea to plant the kale they love so much outside of the fence. It never got a chance to barely come up and they mowed it.

We leave the corn, sunflowers, and vine plants like pumpkins and squash out of the fence and they don't bother any of that, but do scratch around, which is good.

Anyone has experience with growing asparagus where chicken roam free? I mean to ask if they are more likely to leave it alone, or if they would pick it? I want it for myself not the chicken.

For context, they (about 20 hens and 2 roosters) live in a 1 acre fenced land with plenty of natural stuff to eat + chicken feed.

Do you have suggestions for other vegetables which I can grow around the 1 acre which chicken would tend to ignore?

My chickens had a bit of my asparagus grow in their run and they ate it
I have several pretty large gardens with just about everything growing and no fencing. Occasionally I will find something with a small peck, but it’s more like a shark taking a bite out of something to see what it is lol my chickens just want to eat the bugs off of everything and considering that you can’t walk through my lawn without grasshoppers jumping into your leg and I have fields planted with alfalfa along with other natural forage grasses for chickens my chickens don’t care about my garden.
I have several pretty large gardens with just about everything growing and no fencing. Occasionally I will find something with a small peck, but it’s more like a shark taking a bite out of something to see what it is lol my chickens just want to eat the bugs off of everything and considering that you can’t walk through my lawn without grasshoppers jumping into your leg and I have fields planted with alfalfa along with other natural forage grasses for chickens my chickens don’t care about my garden.
It seems to be about finding the best available option doesn't it; would have prefered brussle sprouts but we supose the kale will do, type of attitude. Bugs are always high on the preference list as are some the very fine root ends at a particular time of year.
Last year the chickens didn't touch the courettes I grew. This year they got a few of the young and tender ones.
The more diversity and the bigger the area the more they can choose from and the less damage they do is what I've also found.

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