Guinea fowl

No, chickens aren't guineas and do not satisfy the flock requirements. Guineas have entirely different habits and instincts than any other poultry. Chickens can become terrorized by guineas.

Due to their vaulted skulls, I would not keep Silkies with guineas. One good head peck from a guinea could be a death sentence to a Silky.
Damn! Ok. I had seen videos of them being part of a flock of chickens, as well and protecting them. This is definitely news to me and now has me wondering.
Damn! Ok. I had seen videos of them being part of a flock of chickens, as well and protecting them. This is definitely news to me and now has me wondering.
Guineas have to be a flock to do their "protection" mode. One on one they can't even protect themselves. They are very susceptible to predators. They will alert but too often the perceived danger they are alerting about is known only by them and may or may not be a real threat.

Showing up wearing different colors than you normally wear can set them off.

Those Internet videos avoid showing people when the guineas attack the chickens.
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