Debby Duck
Last week I had to say goodbye and let my precious Pinky go in peace. I had been posting about my concerns in another thread titled 'strange behavior but no symptoms'. I thought at first he was losing his eyesight but things continued to get worse to where he could no longer walk and he couldn't stand at the feeding bowl to eat. I had to hold him and hold a bowl of food for him to eat. It was so difficult, I know he wanted to eat but for the most part the food just kept falling out of his mouth. It took some time but he got some down eventually. For a few days he could swim in the lake but he would no longer come up out of the water for food, even his favorite kale, because it was too difficult to walk. I would have to carry him in at night. But then I began to see where it was difficult for him to hold his head up as he swam around and his bill would be half in the water. I was so worried he might drown or something. So I took him back to the vet, this time it was a different doctor in that I spoke with and he was telling me that he tried some meds with two of his crested ducks that had this same neurological problem with. He didn't have much success, one didn't respond at all the other one got some more time but eventually had a seizure and died. I don't know if Pinky would have benefited from that, but I felt like he was too far gone at this point. And I didn't want to extend his suffering unless his chances to improve were good. I think I made the right choice, I held him as he passed and it was peaceful. Doctor said not many ducks get to leave this world in a peaceful way like this so I am taking some comfort in that. I just wanted to update everyone and thank you for the support that you always show here. Sorry it was so lengthy, thank you for reading.