Hard dark lump under vent, 4 days old


Apr 27, 2023
Please help! My 4 day old chick has a hard, dark lump under it's vent. I attached the best picture I could take. I'm pretty sure it's under the vent, which I think is the reddish tissue above the lump in the picture, and not coming from it. It also looks like the lump is attached to a skinnier piece of red tissue.

I ran her bottom under warm water for quite a while. The lump doesn't soften or detach. She seems energetic and is eating. I've seen her poop since trying to wash it. Is this a remnant of the umbilical cord at 4 days, a prolapse, pasty butt? Do I need to be worried or intervene more?

Thank you for your help!


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From what I can tell from your photo, the Red Circle is the vent - Yes?

If so, then the hard lump, Yellow Arrow is pointing to a scab or piece of umbilical cord.

You mention the lump is attached to skinnier piece of red tissue? I would not pull on it. You don't see any blood, swelling or discoloration of the abdomen right?

If she's moving, eating/drinking, pooping and relatively active, then I'd leave it alone. Most of the time the scab will just fall off on its own.

Thank you so much for taking a look and replying! She was pecking at it for a while and it seemed like there was a tint of blood on her feathers. But she seems to be doing better tonight after she dried off. I’ll leave it alone and keep an eye on it. There isn’t any swelling of the abdomen that I can appreciate.
Thanks again!

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