Hatch-along coming soon!! Mixed breed edition!

Hungry Cookie Monster GIF by Sesame Street
let's go cookie and cream !
Sounds good!!!

Thank you so much! The mama hens did all the work☺️View attachment 3823161
This is the 1st time I'm hatching in an incubator.
I'm so excited for yours to hatch as well! Could you post some pics of them once they hatch?
It's just amazing to be part of bringing new life into this world, don't you think?

Of course!

I don’t know how to do a running post that you keep adding to, I guess like a blog… I’ll look into it, then I can chip away at adding pics to what we’re up to in our lil chicken world! The coop (we call it a shoop as it’s really a shed!) is nearly all finished too. 💕 the weather has been against us all year so far. ⛈️
But only 11 days until hatch day!!! So exciting. Have been candling the eggs, have seen some move which has been such a joy, blessing and a privilege! New life is a wonderful miracle 💕🥚🐣🐓
That is a really good idea to turn a shed into a coop! Where did you get the shed part?

Unfortunately, we did have to buy it. I looked online for second hand ones first, but they were either not the right thing, or way too far away (we don't have a trailer or anything to transport one in), or the advertisement looked dubious in some way. I had also read that there was a scamming thing being used through buying sheds, which made me even more cynical!!

Oh no I'm so sorry! That's a bummer☹️

It's just been good practise for collecting eggs in the rain! ;)

Yay it must be so hard to wait! Was it a very long wait?

I have been trying to persuade my husband to let me have chickens for a good few years....! But I began clearing the nettle/bramble patch to make way for the chicken run and shoop in January this year. So it depends which way you look at it!! I guess we've come a long way really, but waiting does get harder nearer the end, especially for the children!! To me, it still feels like there's a lot to do, and a fast closing in deadline...

But I keep telling myself that the remaining bits can be done when the chicks are moved out into the shoop/run. For example...:

  • I haven't built the nest box yet - but they don't need it yet. And, I've not installed the pop door yet, but when they're in there I'll be checking on them every day, multiple times a day, so that could be done slower time too, but I reckon we'll finish that off this weekend while they're still eggs anyhow!

  • And I haven't installed a bigger window yet, but it's summer time so the default little one the shed comes with isn't so bad this time of year.

  • And I've not installed the guttering to supply the water butt for their automatic feeder, but they will need to use their one from the brooder box initially so they know where to drink from for a while... etc etc....

  • I also need to cover all the mud (working in the area, on heavy clay soil, over a really wet winter and spring has seriously compacted it all down.... it's not fit for a chick!!). I have sown some grass seed but will probably also cover the whole area with hay. We are using a whole composting system with the chickens, and thankfully the composting side of the system is nearly finished. Hoorah! :thumbsup
I just got all these plates spinning and was feeling pretty pooped yesterday when we had to finish work due to a thunderstorm overhead. Somehow didn't feel comfortable working in a chicken run, basically a steel cage, in an overhead thunder storm!! :lau

So.... to answer your question, 'has it been a long wait'.... yes, but in some ways I wish I still had a little more time to finish off all the jobs!!! :barnie You're being sensible in doing all of your prep/research first!! Mind you, I wanted to get the eggs when we did, so that the chickens would be grown enough to leave for a few days when we go away for our summer holiday.... so I wasn't completely irresponsible either!! ;)

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