Hatch assist, or wait?


Sep 21, 2022
So, I have turkey and duck eggs incubating in a HovaBator 1588.
Temps are calibrated, w an external humidifier, also verified w an external hygrometer/ thermometer.
Everything I have read says they need ~28 days to hatch, and I picked up a HovaBator 2370 + another HumidiKit for a hatching ‘bator (also w a secondary thermometer/ hygrometer) so I can keep eggs on rotation between the two.
The main bator is 100* and 48% humidity.
The hatching bator is 99* and 69/70% humidity.
I had the “hatching bator” set up and stable for three days before “lockdown”
When I went to move the eggs to the “hatching bator” at day 26, three of the turkey eggs had already externally pipped.
I moved them quickly to the lockdown bator. I’m not sure exactly when they pipped, but it’s been at least 36 hrs at this point. All were moving well when I made the transfer to the other bator (very quick candle as I moved them... quickly). I also candled the eggs that had not externally pipped quickly as I moved them.
One of the turkey eggs that had previously externally pipped has been wobbling all day, but the tiny spot of membrane that I can see is starting to look a bit brown, and the egg has been quiet for several hours now.
I know that hatching takes a lot of energy! But. I’m hoping someone w more experience can tell me if I should
- make a safety hole? The pip is in a good spot (the air cells had changed since the last “lines”, I didn’t take time to mark the last location as I moved them once I noticed the pips )
but the pips are not through the membrane
- add some coconut oil over the “spot”?
I can’t add a short video, but I can add a picture.
I hear lots of peeping, but there are also many healthy eggs in there.
Any suggestions are very appreciated 💕


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I have never hatched turkey eggs, but brown membrane doesn't sound good. My thoughts would be a quick candle to see if the pip is in the air cell. Oil the membrane and add a safety hole if the internal pip is in the correct place.

Not sure why your membrane would be dry at 69%..
hmm, how i handle it is 'if' its been roughly 24 hours since the first external pip, and theres a hole now, and it looks like the hole has been pecked repeatedly but not progressed to a zip, its time to assist .. chip shell away carefully and observe the membrane around the beak for any blood vessels, any blood at all stop, wait 6 hours and recheck .. progressively chip shell and rip membrane away from the beak until it is free enough to push itself free, which you should let it do itself .. but again stop if theres any blood and wait 6 hours to progress ..
hmm, how i handle it is 'if' its been roughly 24 hours since the first external pip, and theres a hole now, and it looks like the hole has been pecked repeatedly but not progressed to a zip, its time to assist .. chip shell away carefully and observe the membrane around the beak for any blood vessels, any blood at all stop, wait 6 hours and recheck .. progressively chip shell and rip membrane away from the beak until it is free enough to push itself free, which you should let it do itself .. but again stop if theres any blood and wait 6 hours to progress ..
Thank you! I pulled the egg in question out as quickly as I could, pulled a bit of shell away, and saw a hole in the membrane (and a healthier looking membrane as well as movement)
I popped a tick more membrane away from the original pip point, and got it back in the bator ASAP. 🤞
Lots of peeping and pipping going on rn 💕


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Thank you! I pulled the egg in question out as quickly as I could, pulled a bit of shell away, and saw a hole in the membrane (and a healthier looking membrane as well as movement)
I popped a tick more membrane away from the original pip point, and got it back in the bator ASAP. 🤞
Lots of peeping and pipping going on rn 💕
The baby turkey has its beak out the hole I made 🥰 I think it will make it out ok, no oil added 🤞 thank you!
What a fun night 🥰
turkey poults and ducklings zipping out and being their normal roller derby selves 💕
Idk how I’m going to be able to get up for work tomorrow, I just want to keep watching these babies make their way into the world 😍

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