Hatchery Salmon Faverolle Male or Female?


Apr 7, 2024
We ordered three salmon faverolle chicks from Meyer hatchery and I’m having the hardest time telling if we have hens or roos. We had ordered two hens and one roo but lost one the day after they came in. We’re trying to figure out if the remaining two are hens, one roo one hen, or even two roos?

Both have lots of black feathers, but at the same time they both look quite different. The one feathered out a lot quicker than the other and has fluffier tail feathers. The other the black looks a lot sharper in pattern and very small tail feathers, but again both just have a lot of black? I’ve read that hatchery quality chicks can have black feathers even if they’re hens, but this seems like a lot. But at the same time, the patterns and feathers are definitely different.

They’re three weeks old now which is when Meyer says we should be able to sex them, any ideas?


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Should have pictures now! First two are the one I’m hoping is our roo and the last two are what I’m hoping is a hen 🤞🏻
I’m not sure I would say based on coloring alone your hunches may be right. At six weeks the combs should be prominent if there’re roos. Here’s a picture of my six week old cochin cockerel for reference


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In my experience with SF, some male, some F, the females can be on the dark side at this stage, but will never be as dark as an adult-like the boys. The males usually have distinct combs with some color at 3 weeks-different than the females. Also, around a week old the males start to get black chest feathers- they are not dark brown, they are black. Even a darker colored female will not get the black chest feathers.
I’m not sure I would say based on coloring alone your hunches may be right. At six weeks the combs should be prominent if there’re roos. Here’s a picture of my six week old cochin cockerel for reference
Thank you! The first one does have an ever so slightly larger comb than the other, but they’re both so little I wasn’t sure. But yes I’ll definitely keep and eye on that as they grow!

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